11 Easy Signs of Ketosis (no test strips needed)

Ketosis is the point at which your body is using ketones from breaking down fat for fuel instead of using carbohydrates. Here are 11 easy signs of ketosis that you can watch for while you follow a keto diet…. not test strips needed.

Those following a ketogenic diet will often look for signs of their body being in ketosis. This tells them that they have reduced the amount of carbohydrates eaten to low enough levels that ketones are now being produced.

11 Signs of Ketosis and How to test for it

There are a number of ways to tell you are in ketosis.

The easiest way is to use keto sticks that are dipped in urine. You can also use test strips that use a drop of blood. There are also new meters on the market that can test for ketones using your breath. Let’s take a look at the testing options as well as these easy signs of ketosis.

Ketone test strips for urine:

Test strips can tell you if you are in ketosis

These are strips with a small pad at the very end. The pad contains an indicator. To use them you simply urinate on the end of the stick, where the pad is located, and look for a color change. The bottle will have a chart to show you what each color indicates.

Keto sticks are fairly cheap to purchase and offer an instant indication if you have reached ketosis. The down side is the strips seem to be less effective at reading ketones as they sit around. Each bottle has an expiration date and I’ve found that they slowly stop reading on or just before the date.

You’ll also want to keep them stored in a cool, dry place. Most likely not your bathroom which can get humid while you take a bath or shower. Humidity can affect their accuracy.

Check them out here if you are interested in buying some through Amazon (this is an affiliate link). You can also find them in many local stores and pharmacies.

Ketone test strips for blood:

This type of ketone test strip requires a special meter in order to read the test strip. You also need to prick your finger to get a drop of blood. This requires a little more work, and a small pinch, in order to find out if you are in ketosis using blood ketone levels.

Blood ketone test strips are more accurate than urine sticks. They also require a special meter and a little bit of pain to get the blood. Some people prefer them to get a more accurate reading.

Ketone Breath Meter:

Another way to test for ketones is to use a ketone breath meter. These meters are easy to use. Simply blow into the mouth piece for several seconds and the meter will analyze the level of ketones in your breath.

These meters are easy to use. The down side is they are more costly than urine test strips. Another issue is that some of the meters will need to be recalibrated after a certain number of uses. Check out whatever meter you are purchasing to see if this is something that it requires in order to get accurate readings.

Other Signs of Ketosis:

There are other ways to tell if you are in ketosis besides looking for a color change on the keto strip. You can watch for these signs to see if you are most likely in ketosis.

A WORD OF WARNING: This is not to provide medical advice. However, if you are diabetic and are experiencing some of these signs it might be ketoacidosis (high ketones as well as HIGH blood glucose levels). This is completely different than ketosis (high ketone with NORMAL blood glucose levels.

Ketosis has a nutritional cause (eating fewer carbs) while ketoacidosis is a medical condition that requires IMMEDIATE treatment. Check with your doctor before you start a keto diet or if you have questions about the symptoms you are experiencing if you have diabetes.

One sign that you are in ketosis is having fruity breath also called keto breath

Bad Breath (aka Keto Breath):

When you are in ketosis there are three ketones produced:  Acetoacetate, Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and Acetone.  Acetone is expelled through the urine and also through your breath. This ketone has an odd, fruity scent. As your body goes into ketosis you will find that your breath may take on this slightly fruity smell. Some say it even smells a bit like nail polish or nail polish remover. This is known as keto breath.

You will find that this scent can come and go. Those times that you are producing a high amount of ketones the scent will be stronger. During the times when you are still in ketosis but only producing a trace or small amount of ketones (keto sticks can indicate ketone levels) the scent may not be noticeable.

If the scent is strong try chewing gum as this can help to mask the scent. You can also take sips of water or other liquids to rinse your mouth out. As your body becomes better adapted to using ketones for fuel you will notice that the scent will subside.

A sign you are in ketosis is increased urination caused by loss of salt and decreased glycogen stores

Increased urination:

Losing water in the first weeks of a following a low carb diet is the result of two things: glycogen depletion and electrolyte imbalances.

When you begin restricting carbohydrates your kidneys switch from retaining salt to excreting it. When this occurs people notice that they take more frequent trips to the bathroom to void.

Glucose in the form of glycogen is stored in your liver and muscles. When you reduce your carbohydrate intake, your body turns to stored glycogen to provide it with fuel. As these glycogen stores are depleted you will also end up losing lots of water because glycogen molecules are three to four parts water.

Increased thirst is a sign of ketosis

Increased thirst:

With all that water being flushed out of your system you may also feel thirsty. Pair this with the loss of water from the reductions of glycogen stores and this can cause you to have more trips to the bathroom. 

Often people think if they drink less it will help with these effects. But you don’t want to cut back on fluids as it is possible to become dehydrated.

A sign of ketosis is a decrease in energy or the keto flu.

Drop in energy (aka keto flu):

In the beginning the body does not immediately become adapted to using ketones for fuel. During this period of time, as the body switches from using glucose to ketones as fuel, many people notice a decrease in energy. They may also develop what is known as the keto flu (symptoms might include headache, irritability, difficulty sleeping, weakness or more).

Part of this is due to the body switch over to a new energy source. Some of it is due to the lose of sodium and other electrolytes due to the frequent voiding. Often this symptom can be reduced by staying hydrated and replacing electrolytes by adding a bit of salt to your food or drinking electrolyte replacement drinks.

This is a short term drop in energy. Often times people will quit the diet in this phase. But once the body has become keto adapted you end up with another benefit – Increased Energy levels.

Increased energy levels:

Once the brain fog of keto flu passes most people report an increase in energy and mental clarity. It may take from 7 to 30 days to become fully keto adapted.

Switching from burning carbs for fuel to burning fats also stabilizes your blood sugar levels. Ever have that drop in energy in the afternoon, usually after eating a high carb lunch? You will notice that this doesn’t happen once you are keto adapted.

Appetite suppression is one of the benefits of a low carb diet

Appetite suppression:

Many people will comment that they suddenly find that they are not as hungry on the keto diet as they previously had been on other diets. This is thought to be due to the suppression of hunger related hormones such as ghrelin.

There are several reasons why ketosis can make you want to eat less. This includes stable blood sugar levels, rising ketone levels affecting hunger hormones and the satiating effects of a higher fat intake. Fat is digested more slowly than protein and carbohydrates which helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer.

While this is a sign of ketosis you won’t be looking as unhappy as the person in the picture above. If anything you will find that you are less distracted from having those sudden feelings of hunger hit you. You know the ones. You aren’t just hungry…..you’re HANGRY and need food right away!

Rapid weight loss in the first week or two signals

Rapid Weight Loss:

When you first enter ketosis you might experience rapid weight loss in the first week or two. This initial weight loss is mostly water weight. As discussed above, during the initial stages of ketosis your body will quickly lose weight as your glycogen stores. Your kidney’s are also excreting sodium and when they do that you lose extra water too. This quick weight loss signals that you are entering into ketosis.

Your weight will continue to go down over time but in a much slower manner.

This isn’t a bad thing as this indicates that you are now losing weight from burning the excess fat that you are carrying. Don’t get discouraged after the initial big weight drop in the first week or two. Remember slow and steady wins the race.

Ketones in your urine/blood:

As previously discussed one your start producing ketones the excess are passed out through your urine. This can be easily tested for using ketone urine test strips.

Ketones are also present in your blood as they circulate through out the body. You can also test for ketones in your blood by using a ketone meter as discussed above.


During the beginning phase of ketosis it’s not uncommon to have episodes of insomnia. Once you are keto adapted you are likely to discover that your sleep improves and you sleep better than you did before starting the keto diet.

If you new to the keto diet and are thinking about starting or perhaps are on it and trying to get back on track then these pages might be helpful to you:

How to start the keto diet in 5 easy steps

How to lose weight with the lazy keto diet method

Check out some of these other posts to help keep you on track:

How to create weight loss goals you can achieve

How to create health habits for weight loss

How to break a weightloss stall on the keto diet

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Experiencing some of the above signs of ketosis indicates that your diet is working. Some of the signs of ketosis can be annoying at first but you will soon discover the health benefits once they pass.

You can use keto test sticks/strips to test for ketones. However there are other signs that you can watch for to see when you go into ketosis. These are simply a result of your body creating ketones as you go into ketosis. Others are signs that you are becoming keto adapted. Remember to stay well hydrated and try adding in some electrolytes if you feel the symptoms of keto flu.

Once you become keto adapted you will benefit from the increased energy and clarity that comes from following the keto diet.

signs of ketosis

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