Raspberry Muffins with Lemon Cream Cheese Topping (Keto, Gluten Free)

Keto Raspberry Lemon Muffin Tops have only 1.8 net grams of carbs each #keto #ketomuffin #lazyketo #remakemyplate

If you tired of eating eggs for breakfast while on the keto diet then try these delicious raspberry muffins with lemon cream cheese topping. You’ll love the flavor combination of sweet raspberries and lemon cream cheese. Breakfast is the one meal of the day that seems to be the most difficult for many people. Did your former breakfast choices include … Read more

Chia Vanilla Pudding Recipe

Keto or low carb vanilla chia pudding

In the pre-keto/low carb days oatmeal was a quick go to breakfast food.  It was fast to make, tasted great and filled me up. Of course a short time later I would end up feeling tired and sluggish when the carb crash kicked in. These days I prefer something a whole lot lower in carbs but want it to be … Read more