Recipes found on Remake My Plate were created for this website. There’s a lot of time and effort that goes into producing the recipes including recipe testing, purchasing ingredients, cooking, all the photography plus editing final photos. Add to that writing the final recipe that you see online. It takes hours and sometimes days to complete a recipe from start to finish. I love sharing my recipes but I ask you to respect the following guidelines when sharing.
Recipe Round Ups:
If you are creating a recipe round up I’d love it if you share my recipe with your readers. Please feel free to use a photo and link it back to my website. I just ask that you don’t include ingredients and directions in your post. When you are done with your round up why not reach out to me and let me know about it. I would be happy to add a pin to my Pinterest page.
General Recipe Sharing Information:
I love it when people share my recipes. I just ask that you don’t copy and paste the entire recipe on your social media or website. Copying whole recipes is against copyright laws.
If you want to share the whole recipe with family and friends why not use the share buttons at the start of every recipe. This will allow you to send a link and photo for the recipe directly to Facebook, Pinterest or email.
Using Google on your mobile device? Just hit the three dots found in the upper right corner of the Google page. This will open a drop down box where you can choose the option to share a link. See the photo below to see where this option can be found.

Looking to recreate a recipe for your blog?
I love it when people make my recipes to share on their blogs. Who hasn’t been inspired to create their own version of a recipe after seeing something on another site or in a cookbook. When recreating a recipe that has been inspired by another recipe you’ll want to use your own pictures and rewrite the directions in your own words.
Include a link back to the original recipe so Google doesn’t view your recipe as duplicate content. Google reduces the reach on duplicate content so you want to avoid that.
Also copying violates copyright laws as well as the terms of service for most social media sites.
If you have any questions about how to use my recipes and/or pictures please feel free to reach out to me through my contact page.