Find yourself making the same things over and over again?
Looking to try something new?
Why not join us in the keto cooking challenge!
The idea behind the keto cooking challenge is to break free from keto boredom and to inspire you to try something new.
Each cooking challenge will have a theme and some may even double down on the challenge by seeing if certain ingredients can be used.
The theme for this challenge is wedge salads.
Can you take the humble, yet easy to make, wedge salad from more than just a chunk of lettuce with dressing drizzled on top to another level? We’d love to see what you can come up with!
The rules are simple.
Create some type of keto friendly wedge salad.
Post a picture and the recipe to your website, blog or Instagram page.
Come back to the challenge page and post a picture along with a link so others can check out your recipe.
How easy is that?
Posters are encouraged to visit at least 2 others posters. Why not leave them a comment when you visit. Everyone loves to hear that their food looks delicious. If you make a recipe stop back and tell them if it tastes good too!
Grab a challenge button and post it on your site. It’s not mandatory but it helps to get the word out.
What do you get from joining the challenge?
Well, you get to have a bit of fun and you get to show off your keto cooking skills while helping to keep others from falling into the rut of making the same things over and over again.
Backlinks…. each recipe posted contains a backlink to your site and the recipe so others can visit your site.
Pinterest pin… everyone loves using Pinterest for saving recipes that they want to try or make again in the future. Submitted recipes will be added to our Keto Cooking Challenge Pinterest board.
A number of posts will be selected and featured on the site in a round up showcasing some of the submitted recipes. Please note that by linking up your posts you are giving Remake My Plate permission to use your photos in the featured posts and possibly on our social media (all pictures will be linked back to your site and posts).
Oh… did I mention a prize?
You can also win a prize!
Everyone who posts to the challenge will be entered into a drawing for a $40 Amazon gift certificate. One winner will be drawn the day after the challenge closes.
When does the challenge run?
The challenge is live from August 23 through September 8th. Create and submit your post during that time. At midnight on the 8th the challenge will close and no additional posts can be submitted.
One last FYI…. any posts not fitting the challenge theme will be removed. This is to keep spammers out.
If you have any questions please contact me at:
Ready to enter the challenge?
Then click on the link below and follow the instructions to enter. You can sign up using your email or Facebook. You can also set up an Inlinkz account as well.
Once you’ve signed in click on the Add A Link button. Enter in the URL where you post or picture is found.
Add in a caption (use the name of the dish you are submitting if you like). Your email does not show up in the post.
You can crop your picture if desired.
Submit your photo and it will pop up in the challenge display on this page.
Grab the button below and include it on your website posting if desired.
Now let’s see some delicious keto wedge salad creations!