Follow the directions for your air fryer to preheat it.
In a bowl combine the apple pie filling and the caramel bits.
In another bowl combine the cake mix and melted butter. Stir it with a fork or use your fingers to work the butter into the cake mix. The mixture will be crumbly once it is all worked in.
Place the apple mixture into the baking pan. Spread the cake mixture over the top.
Place the pan in your air fryer and cook at 320 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove the air fryer basket. Lightly spray the top of the cake mixture with the non stick spray. This will help the mixture to brown while cooking. Return the basked with the cake back to the air fryer.
Continue to cook at 320 degrees for another 10 minutes. Check your cake. Depending upon your air fryer you may need to cook it a bit more to make the top golden brown. If it is not golden brown then cook an additional 5 minutes and check the cake.
Continue to cook 5 minutes at a time at 320 degrees until the top of the cake is golden brown. You might also see some of the apple filling bubbling at the edges of the cake.